World of warships graf spee review
World of warships graf spee review

world of warships graf spee review

Their turrets are just as slow as Warspite's, right?

  • 22.8 seconds is now glacial and requires a mod because it's not as fast as Atlanta's, despite being every bit as fast as every cruiser at that tier, ships such as Molotov and Leander.
  • world of warships graf spee review

    It also gives more 33s on battleships because big guns. Obviously one will never see such high strikes in one salvo, but it is technically possible. With a peak alpha of 50,600, it takes you up to tier 9 to get a total alpha strike higher, and that's on the Roon and Donskoi.

    world of warships graf spee review

  • The "only six guns" that have the highest alpha damage of any cruiser in the game, at tier 6.
  • 16km (Graf Spee's range) is now shorter than 14.9km (Aoba's range, the only 203mm cruiser at tier 6).

  • World of warships graf spee review